Best pulak aq tengok video ni.. 'touching'.. Bila kita menyayangi @ mencintai seseorang itu.. tak kira berapa jauh sekali pun, hakikatnya ia sentiasa di hati..

We live in a universe in which there are laws.everything that's around you right now in your life,including the things youre complaining about,you've,i know at 1st blush that's gonna be something that you hate to hear..
its impossible to monitor every thought we have.researchers told that we have sixty thousand thoughts a day.can you imagine how exhausted you'd feel trying to control all of these thoughts??fortunately,there's an easier way..this is ours feelings "good" and "bad"..if you think good feelings and things that make you feel good.its really so simple.our feeling are feedback mechanism to us..
whatever your thinking and feeling today is creating your future.everything is energy.and,let me help you understand that just a little bit about 'energy'..for example:-the earth.
this our galaxy and our planet,and then individuals,and then inside of body are organ system,and then there's cells,and then molecules,and then there's atoms,and then there's something i call ENERGY....
so,find something that feel good,that resonates with your heart.follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only, close your eyes and think about joy, freedom, success, excellent, happy and you will be growing wealther day by day..
Hmm..hari ni aq rasa nak berkongsi sesuatu dgn kawan2 semua.Pasal benda ni dulu,orang pernah cakap aq gila,bengong,sakit jiwa etc.pada aq apa yg aq buat,untuk diri aq sendiri.."hanya diri sendiri yg boleh menentukan masa depan kita",im proud with myself.nak tahu apa yg aq buat???hmm..jangan gelak yer tulis dan kirimkan surat untuk aq sendiri..hmm memang sah aq ni tolol.Jom kita layan jap apa yg aq tulis..
Kepada Cecey,
Aq yakin kau mampu mencapai segala apa yang kau pun tahu yang jauh di sudut hati kau tertanam satu sifat iaitu "MALAS".Please cecey..lepaskan ia,lupakan ia dan tanamkan sifat ingin belajar.Aq nk kau berfikiran positif,kreatif dan berani menyahut segala cabaran.Dalam kehidupan sekarang yang serba canggih dan moden,kenapa kau tidak mengambil peluang ini untuk kau capai segala impian kau???Sedarlah yakin kau BOLEH!!
Ingat cecey..!!Tiada yang mustahil dan setiap masalah ada penyelesaiannya.Kenapa orang lain boleh berjaya??kenapa tidak kau??Bangun..bangun..bangun cecey dan teruskan langkahmu.Aq nak kau mencapainya cecey.Tumpukan sepenuhnya kepada kemampuan diri kau.KAU BOLEH..KAU BOLEH..KAU BOLEH..tiada yang mustahil jika kau betul2 menginginkannya..GO CECEY..kau boleh!!
sekian terima kasih.
yang ikhlas,
I learned a lot in the wealth management segment. And on the last day, I discovered myself and my hidden capabilities.This is a wonderful and marvelous program.I have never felt so good, and so light before.I feel relaxed now and confident that I can achieve my dream life, and in fact that it is coming.I can feel it so strongly now.In actual fact, the course fee is quite low compared to the contents being taught.
How I wish, I had known the wealth management techniques earlier.But I believe that it is still not too late.I personally believe that this course must be recommended to everyone. Great!!!
Thanks to "her"..she created this visual for me..this is my declarations, how i watch,read and loud everyday..i feel the vibrations of energy inside the words..if i watch,my mind will be fresh and clean..thank you dear..